Stage 1 Guidance Notes

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**Note - you can change the language of this page by selecting your desired language in the drop down box located in the top right hand corner of this page. 

Applications must be completed in English and submitted online via Google Forms. 

Entry is free of charge to enable all institutions to take part but we do ask for a donation if your institution is able to do so. This donation helps us to continue delivering the Awards. We do not provide any funding or financial support to applicants.

Please note: If your institution is in the UK & Ireland or Australasian regional chapters you can only apply via the regional route and cannot apply directly to any of the International Green Gown Awards categories. 

The questions asked in the Google form and the Application Form are listed below. The Application Form is available for download from the foot of this page. 

Your submission consists of:

Google Form consists of:

General Information this is not part of the judging process and will be used in various marketing communications and campaigns as a collective of all applications to illustrate the role of applicants in delivering their projects.

Organisational Name (to be written exactly as it should appear in communications)

Organisational website address

Country (of organisation)

Region (select the region from the drop-down list)

Category being entered (select the category from the drop-down list or type your category).
Note: A project can only be entered into one category.

PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR APPLICATION FORM IN WORD FORMAT this includes the completed stage 1 part (maximum 4 A4 pages) and the uncompleted stage 2 part. 
(NOTE: maximum file size 10MB.)  

(NOTE: maximum file size 10 MB.)


Main contact name (first name, last name)

Main contact position/job title

Main contact email address

Main contact phone number (+country code - office or mobile)

Second contact name (first name, last name)

Second contact position/job title

Second contact email address

Marketing/Communications contact name

Marketing/Communications job title

Marketing/Communications email address

Organisation’s social media names

Organisational profile - Please state the number of students you have (include full and part-time students, and full, casual, and part-time staff and quote the full-time equivalent number - FTE). 

Number of students in your Institution:
Number of staff in your Institution:
Your institution’s annual turnover (in US$M):
(You can use an online conversion calculator to convert to US Dollars.)

In the last two years, have you previously entered THIS project, or elements of it, for an International Green Gown Award or a Regional Green Gown Award?*
If yes, please provide details (i.e. year and category entered and status: applicant, finalist, highly commended, or winner).

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) - Please select ONE SDG goal that your application particularly delivers against: (dropdown options)

How did you hear about the 2024 International Green Gown Awards? Please select one option.

Why did you apply for an International Green Gown Award?  Please select one option. 

If your project involves people (students, staff and/or the local community), how many people has it reached? Please estimate an annual total for your project for each of the options listed. 

DECLARATION: By submitting this form, you declare: 1) that the information presented is a true and accurate account of the project and that if further verification is required, then you will comply with such requests and 2) you agree to our Terms & Conditions and GDPR disclaimer as outlined on this page

Application Form consists of:


Project Title and Summary – please make it as ‘catchy’ and descriptive as possible. If you are selected as a Finalist, this text will be included in the communications about the Awards and on our website.

Project URL - If your application relates specifically to video communications used within your initiative, you can add a web link to the video here. If the video contains important, project specific information, please ensure you have also included this as text within your application form as we cannot guarantee that videos will be viewed in full.

Organisational Profile - Please state the number of students you have (include full and part-time students, and full, casual, and part-time staff and quote the full-time equivalent number - FTE). Your institution’s annual turnover (in US$M): (You can use an online conversion calculator to convert to US Dollars.)

Organisational External Credentials - Please list here any standards/accreditations your institution may have that are relevant to your application.

The InitiativeReferring to the specific category criteria describe the initiative, covering topics such as the activities undertaken; reasons for doing it; timescale; costs (in cash and staff time); current status (on-going, completed etc.); departments/organisations involved; any external recognition. Include quantitative data/cost data/budget analysis. We recommend you to provide as much evidence and supporting text here as you can. If there is a lot of data you want to include try and summarise it as much as possible. Please do not use links to external websites as judges may not necessarily review all the information so if possible include important elements here. We also want to hear about how the project was funded, what level of funding it received, which partners you worked with as well as any financial benefits gained from the project. For the Sustainability Institution of the Year category asking for a holistic, whole life-cycle approach, the application must focus on the whole life-cycle and not on an individual campaign(s). Judging: This section has a maximum score of 20. 10 for the overall initiative and 10 for category specific criteria.

The Environmental and Social Benefits - Summarise the benefits. Benefits may relate to operational outcomes, environmental/social outcomes, sector benefits. Provide as much quantification as possible, making maximum use of normalised measures (e.g. energy per student or square metre of floor space) and be consistent in use of units. Be sure to highlight distinctive features (e.g. levels of energy and water efficiency saving, success in reducing car usage). Summarise the sustainable procurement practices – covering initiatives you used and any obstacles you encountered. What procurement practices were put into place as a result of your project? Has this resulted in a positive shift in attitude? Or in future procurement activities? Describe any financial implications as a result of your procurement practices? How were circular economy principles used? What are your project’s legal requirements versus what you have done over and beyond these standard requirements? Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Top 3 learnings from implementing your project - Please write in the “first person” (i.e. I, we, our etc.). This information will be used as a marketing tool and appear in various places such as the website etc. Please include your institutions top 3 learnings from implementing the project in 3 short bullets. This can act as words of advice to others who may be starting out on their projects. Please keep these short – max. 15 words per item.

You must not exceed the 4 page limit for Stage 2.  

You have now finished your 2024 International Green Gown Awards Stage 1 application form. Please ensure your Stage 1 application is no longer than 4 A4 pages. You may delete any red font notes in the document to create more space. You need to click on the APPLY NOW and upload this application form (in Word format), and your institution’s logo and one project image (in jpg or png formats).

You will receive a Google message to say that the form has been submitted. The person who completed the form and supplied their email at the start of the Google Form, will receive an email confirmation of the submission. 

Deadline is 12 NOON CET TIME ON 29 APRIL 2024.
Thank you for taking the time to apply and good luck with your application.

The remainder questions are for STAGE 2 applications. Only Finalists will be invited to complete STAGE 2. You will be notified on 13 June if you are a Finalist. 


General Information - Only update if required.

“What would it mean to your institution to win an International Green Gown Award?” This information will be used as a marketing tool and if selected as a winner/highly commended, it will appear in various places such as the Winners’ online listing, promo materials etc.

Judges’ questions on your Stage 1 application are enclosed to the right here. Please address these in your Stage 2 submission.

Addressing judges’ questions to your Stage 1 application - The judges’ questions are included above under “general information”.  This is an opportunity for you to directly answer or clarify any elements the judges identified from your Stage 1 application. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Leadership and Engagement - How does your project fit within your wider institution’s strategy, value and ethos? How have you demonstrated leadership in communicating your initiative? What ways you have involved others in your project. This could include other departments/faculties, the local community and industry, as well as what communication about the project has taken place. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Significance for the Sector - Please summarise what you feel is distinctive about your proposal e.g. originality; replicability through the sector; outstanding example of best practice; application of new technology, process or approach; new application of an existing product. Describe learning from the initiative that could be of relevance to other institutions. Evidence of transfer to other institutions should be provided where available. Please indicate what ways you have involved others in your project. This could include other departments/faculties, the local community and industry, as well as what communication about the project has taken place. Where possible include examples of engagement and/or the communication processes. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Wider Societal Benefits - Please outline the wider societal benefits and value of your application. What is the benefit of your application to society outside of your institution, staff and students? What is the legacy of your application as it benefits wider society? Provide evidence of the benefits. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

Learner/Graduate Employer Benefits - Please outline the benefits and value of your application to learner/graduate employers. How has your application improved learner/graduate employability attributes that will attract them to potential employers? What is the legacy of your application as it benefits learner/graduate employers? Provide evidence of the benefits. Judging: This section has a maximum score of 10.

You must not exceed the 2 page limit for Stage 2 (excluding the cover page) - so 3 pages in total. This form contains your completed Stage 1 application, the judges’ feedback/questions, your answers, and your Stage 2 submission (2 A4 page limit).  Please submit the whole form in Word format.  

No background material or appendices etc. will be accepted and examined, so please do not send this.
