Stage 2 Entries

We are delighted to announce the Finalists for the Green Gown Awards 2024.

Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony which will take place on 13 November at the Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh - ticket sales are now OPEN. 


The Green Gown Awards is a two stage application process. The benefits of a two stage process are to make it easier for applicants; to enable a feedback process to achieve a more uniform quality in the applications seen by the full judging panel; and to allow recognition of a greater number of initiatives (through publication of a considerable number of finalists).

Stage 1 involved a short application form. A panel of sector judges assessed these to produce a list of finalists for each category. Stage 1 applications closed on 5 June 2024. All finalists are now invited to submit a fuller application for stage 2 and the deadline for submission is 6 September 2024 at NOON. These will then be assessed by judges from both inside and outside tertiary education at a special ‘judgement day’ on 3 October 2024. This panel will select winning, and where appropriate highly commended, entries for each category from the list of finalists. The Awards will be announced and presented at the Green Gown Awards Ceremony on 13 November at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh.

Information for Stage 2 finalist candidates only

Congratulations on becoming a finalist for the Green Gown Awards 2024. Below follows information on what you need to do next to submit your stage 2 applications.


Who can enter Stage 2?

Only those candidates shortlisted from stage 1 (finalists) may enter stage 2.

How to enter 

Application materials 

Need inspiration? Visit our previous winners' showcases and our resource bank where you'll find a range of inspirational materials to help you pick up some hints and tips for your application, gain motivation from case studies from previous winners and encourage you to submit a winning application.

Pre-application checklist

Before you submit your application, please ensure you have read the checklist:

  1. I have read and understand the Stage 2 Guidance Notes for Participants and understand that submitting this application indicates that I accept the rules of the awards and the conditions of entry.
  2. I am familiar with the category criteria.
  3. I have fully completed the stage 2 application form (the form is emailed directly to all finalists) and it is no longer than 2 A4 sides long (excluding cover page – so 3 pages in total for stage 2). Please note that your stage 1 application form is locked and only stage 2 pages are to be updated. It is saved in Word format ready to email. Any stage 2 applications over 2 A4 sides long (excluding cover page) or received in PDF format will not be accepted. Please note that on stage 2 judging day, judges will be looking at your stage 1 application entry, their feedback to you on improvements/suggestions to include in your stage 2 entry, your response to this and your stage 2 application.
  4. I will attach my institution’s logo and one promotional photograph (duly labelled). I note the format required for the logos/photographs (landscape for projects/logos and portrait for head shots of individual finalists). I will ensure to send in my logo and project related photograph (in high resolution – a minimum of 300 dpi) to by 30 July 2024. (Please note: if we do not receive this information by this date you may be excluded from the online finalists’ listing.)
  5. I acknowledge that no supporting material is required with my stage 2 application.
  6. All stage 2 applications for the Green Gown Awards are to be sent via email in the Word templates provided to before 12 noon on 6 September 2024.
  7. I acknowledge that the stage 1 form contains some promotional material which I am able to use for my own marketing and promotional purposes. I will send a copy of any such materials generated to the Green Gown Awards Team
  8. Although not a requirement for your application submission, each finalist is expected to submit a short media clip or info graphic about their project. I will remember to send in my 2-minute (maximum) project media clip (animation, vlog,  video or infographic) by 6 September 2024. Please note that we wish to make all promotional materials accessible to all: EDI compliant / promoting best practice accessibility. Please consider this when submitting your media clips (include English sub-titles on videos, alternative texts if submitting an image, etc.). Please read/download our helpful media and accessibility guidance guide - found at the foot of this page. 

Encourage others to replicate your initiatives!

One of the key aims of the Green Gown Awards is the focus on the dissemination of all the great initiatives being run by the finalists. We hope that by creating awareness about these projects, others will be encouraged and motivated to replicate within their own institutions. 

Online finalists' listing

We create an online finalist page based on the stage 1 information submitted. Please note this is not a part of your stage 2 submission. 

Media Clip - animation/vlog/video - to be no longer than 2 minutes in length. Make it short, catchy and snappy!

Whilst this is note a part of your stage 2 submission we do encourage as many finalists as possible to create some form of media clip about their shortlisted entry. If you are a finalist in one of the international categories (2030 Climate Action, Benefitting Society, Creating Impact, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Sustainability, Nature Positive, Next Generation Learning and Skills, Sustainability Institution of the Year and Student Engagement, then please note that winning entry media clips may be shown when promoting the International winners. Please note that we wish to make all promotional materials accessible to all: EDI compliant / promoting best practice accessibility. Please consider this when submitting your media clips (include English sub-titles on videos, alternative texts if submitting an image, etc.).   

Below are the guidelines around creating your media clip. They are not set in stone and allow you to be as flexible as you wish. For examples and inspiration of other case studies and videos, please visit our previous winners' showcases and our resource bank. We ask you to top and tail your short media clip with information on the Green Gown Awards category you submitted (Green Gown Awards 2024 logo, in association with UKRI, and category name). Deadline for receipt of your media clip is 6 September 2024 (you are welcome to submit before the deadline). Please note this is not a part of your stage 2 submission.

You can download a Green Gown Awards logo from our media pack.

Further information

International Green Gown Awards

The Green Gown Awards, in association with Allianz Global Investors, are run in the UK, Australasia and the rest of the world known collectively as the International Green Gown Awards, and endorsed by the UN Environment. The winners from each region go head to head for a coveted International Award. Visit here to see which categories are included in the International Green Gown Awards.

If you have any questions about the Green Gown Awards submission process please view our comprehensive list of frequently asked questions or contact the Green Gown Awards team at

To see all the Green Gown Award categories and the full criteria click here.

By applying for the Green Gown Awards at stage 1 you have agreed to the conditions of entry which is still valid for stage 2.
